Thursday, October 7, 2010

Walk the Plank

We have had a relatively quiet few days of school and catching our breath in Annapolis.
I really love this town!  Today Thomas provided us with a little excitement !
Tom and Thomas were walking down the dock, and Tom was watching Thomas look at all the boats. 
Tom said that Thomas was in complete awe of the larger boats in the marina.  He was so busy looking at the big boats, that he walked right off the end of the dock!! Yes , he took a long walk off a short pier.
He swam right to the surface and Tom helped him out of the water. He was surprised and a little frightened by the experience, but when it was all over and he had dried off and collected his wits, he said, "At least I was the first one to swim in the saltwater!!"

The kids and I are going home Saturday to get a few days of recharging our batteries!! Tom has to stay behind to supervise some boat repairs.  We will sign back on when there are new adventures to report!

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